Where Is Your BLISS?

Michael Mints
4 min readAug 4, 2023

“Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is more real.” — Deepak Chopra

This quote causes me to stop, think and ponder, “Am I following my bliss?” When you think of the word “bliss,” what does it bring to mind?

What people or places come to mind? Are you in some far-off place or at home with people you care about? Are you fulfilling your dreams, or enjoying close relationships?

According to the Wordbook Dictionary, bliss is a “state of extreme happiness.” So, when you’re following your bliss, you’re going after whatever makes you extremely happy.

The second part of the quote — “the universe will open doors” — suggests that life truly opens up when you’re involved in things that bring you absolute joy.

When you’re engaged in pursuits that you love to do, you take more notice of your choices and are more willing to put your priorities into action.

Consider a recent time when you were truly fascinated and excited about something, and remember how it made you feel.

Your bliss doesn’t have to be just one thing; it can be a collection of things you love to do. Things or people that move, motivate, and inspire you to do great things.

